Worship hours:
Summer: 10:00am
September-May: 9:00am and 11:00am with Sunday School at 10:00am
This Month's Newsletter: February
Welcome to St Paul's
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
St. Paul’s welcomes all to worship with us. We believe that we are all uniquely and wonderfully made in God’s image, and we celebrate the diversity of our community. We are an Open and Affirming congregation, and we welcome people of every race, culture, age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, and socioeconomic status. We commit ourselves to social and racial equity, serving our community, and creating a safe, supportive worship space for all. We believe that visible, open, inclusive worship is central to God’s charge to love our neighbors as God loves us: wholly and without reservation. We serve all in love through Christ, who strengthens us.

(For more info on RIC, ELCA or NEPA SYNOD please click on the corresponding picture above)
Join Us for Worship
316 South Mountain Blvd.,
Pastor: Rev. Michele Kaufman
Church Phone Number: 570-474-6616
E-Mail: info@stpaulsmttop.com

VALENTINE EVENT - Saturday, February 15th for our Valentine Event. Starting at 6:00 p.m. with soup and salad, followed by your main entrees and finished off with dessert all for $15.00.
Join Us, Monday, February 17th for a Day out at the Philadelphia Art Museum…kids are off from school for president’s day! See Pastor for details…
St. Pauls's Annual Meeting - Scheduled for Sunday, February 23rd at 10:15 a.m.